I created this blog because I want share with you. Discover my postcard collection. My goal was to have at least one postcard for each town in the world! Ao criar este novo blog venho dar a descobrir a minha vasta colecção de postais ilustrados.
terça-feira, 31 de maio de 2011
Postcards sent by Alexey. Thanks a lot. It´s my five trade with Ukraine. We can show 2 postcards from Ukraine and 1 from Moldova.
We can see a bridge over Instytuska St and a Museum of Folk Architecture and way of life of the Middle Dnipro Region.
From Moldova we can see Sf. Paraschiva Church.
- Postais enviados por Alexey. Muito Obrigado
terça-feira, 24 de maio de 2011

Postcards sent by Vitoria Town Hall. Obrigado!
Postais enviados pela Prefeitura Municipal de Vitória.
Up - We can see Guarapari beach view, Vila Velha and bridge view, Costa beach in Vila Velha, Matilde waterfall, Moqueca Capixaba (brasilian food) and adventure scenes.
Down - We can see Pedra Azul Statual Park, Itaunas Statual Park, Vitoria city at night, Vitoria Island aerial view and Darcy Castello de Mendonça bridge.
Visit www.vitoria.es.gov.br
sexta-feira, 20 de maio de 2011
Postcards sent by Comune de Varallo Sesia in Umbria. Thanks a lot.
We can see down town and Vittorio Emanuele Square.
Postais enviados pela Camara de Varallo Sesia.
Visit http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Varallo_Sesia
We can see down town and Vittorio Emanuele Square.
Postais enviados pela Camara de Varallo Sesia.
Visit http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Varallo_Sesia
SPOLETO (Umbria)
Postcards sent by Comune de Spoleto (Perugia). We can see a General view and a night castle view.
Postais enviados pela Camara de Spoleto.
Visit http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spoleto
Postais enviados pela Camara de Spoleto.
Visit http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spoleto
segunda-feira, 16 de maio de 2011
Postcards sent by Comune de Ancona. Grazie!
Postais enviados pela Comuna de Ancona.
We can see one vintage, Sibillini Mountains and a beauty view of Frasassi cave
Visit http://www.frasassi.com/
Postais enviados pela Comuna de Ancona.
We can see one vintage, Sibillini Mountains and a beauty view of Frasassi cave
Visit http://www.frasassi.com/
Postcards sent by Comune de Cittadicastello, Umbria, Italia. Grazie!
Postais enviadas por CittadiCastello.
We can see a Winter scene and Torre Civica XIII century (Civica Tower).
Visit http://www.comune.citta-di-castello.perugia.it/
Postais enviadas por CittadiCastello.
We can see a Winter scene and Torre Civica XIII century (Civica Tower).
Visit http://www.comune.citta-di-castello.perugia.it/
sexta-feira, 13 de maio de 2011
Postcards sent by Lusitana P. My new trader in Luxemburg.
She has a list of postcards for trade.
Postais enviados por Lusitana P. Muito Obrigado
Postcards sent by Lusitana P. My new trader in Luxemburg.
She has a list of postcards for trade.
Postais enviados por Lusitana P. Muito Obrigado de novo.
segunda-feira, 9 de maio de 2011
Strasbourg - La Petite France
Strasbourg - Market Place
Strasbourg - Near river
Katzenthal - General view with castle
Postcards sent by Strasbourg Tourism. Thanks a lot!
Postais enviados pelo Turismo de Estrasburgo.
We can see tree postcards from Strasbourg and one from Katzenthal.
Postcards sent by Mª de los Reyes Ramiro in Plasencia. One private swap. Thanks a lot.
Postais enviados por Reyes Ramiro.
We can see a map of Extremadura - Spain District and Monastery of Guadalupe (next Caceres).
segunda-feira, 2 de maio de 2011
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